Albert Cheng
Table Tennis Coach
Playing career summary, plus highlights:
Professionally trained over 10 years overseas and represented New Zealand junior team in the Oceania.
Coaching career summary, plus highlights:
20 years coaching experience, Coach of the year 2018 and became National team coach. Helped NZ player win against Youth Olympic Semi-finalist, Top 10 U15 in the world and other Korean National junior team professional players.
Athletes you have coached that have gone on to higher honours:
Mostly NZ rep and Auckland rep for the national titles and Oceania titles. Internationally I was at one stage with the 2002 Commonwealth Champion Chunli Li team. Did a video analysis with her Oceania single event in 2004. Later we became the 2 biggest competitive clubs in East Auckland around 2010.
Coaching qualifications, or anything special we should know:
ITTF coach (international), Auckland table tennis community project (Seekapong), previously weekly Special Olympics table tennis and Ribbons Day.
What do you love about coaching Rangitoto teams:
Good participation, regularly turn up every week, enjoy playing table tennis. Kids setup the tables when they arrive and wouldn’t leave till 5. Rangitoto kids have passion. All levels mix and play with others. Overall, very positive environment with balance between competitiveness and fun.
What you love about sport and or the sport you coach:
Good indoor exercise with interaction of different age, gender, and culture. Table tennis is a sport can play from 6 till 80 years old. Can be physical demanding at competitive level or relax at garage social level.
Goals, aspirations, focus areas for your team at the school:
Develop the Wednesday casual group. Increase participation in School rep, identify the keen ones and assist them to competitive level.
Goals, aspirations, focus areas for your sport at the school:
Enjoy and improve at their own pace, hopefully becomes a lifetime sport.
Coaching philosophy or approaches to coaching:
Enjoy, invest time, willing to listen and learn, overcome obstacles and good work ethic.
Any key coaching related/team related quote(s) that you might use:
Do it right, make it good and simply do it the best(technical). Train like you never won, play like you never lost (Work ethic and game mentality).
Any coach mentors you may have and why:
From ITTF, keep up to date with the world latest trend.
Where do you work or what is your do full time job:
Table tennis, Regional Development manager, community project, coach.
Anything else you may deem important to you relating to your role:
Support the players with the goal to become best they can be, enjoy and go at their own pace, majority are not professional.
Anything else not covered above that you would like to include:
Stay active, any sport is better than no sport.